The Trust has been involved with many projects and events since we opened in 2002, including regular events such as the Annual Community Fun Day, Christmas Lights Events, Fireworks Trips, Big Day Out, Burns Night and the Ardler in Bloom Competition to name but a few.
Where possible we try to record these events in photographs some of which we have posted in our Gallery which you can see by clicking on the links.
Other Photographs and Information about Ardler
We have many photographs of the Ardler area and events that have taken place here over the years. Some of these photographs are displayed in our office reception area and you are welcome to come in and have a look.
The Ardler Village Trust also commissioned a book about called “Ardler – a thriving community” by Malcolm Archibald. The book looks into the history of Ardler and contains accounts of life in Ardler from current and previous residents and photos from the past 40 years, it would of great interest to anyone who has or still lives here and would also make a great gift. The book is available for sale at a cost of (To be updated) and can be purchased from the Charity Shop or the AVT office.
Fun Day
Ardler in Bloom
Charity Shop
Charity shop 2008, Just after opening